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Seasons changing | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers, Time is changing.   Season changing.  Today is keti koti. In 1863 today Suriname had abolition of slavery. Our ancestors from African descent were free. Which is such a weird concept because our ancestors had to work 10more years before officially being allowed to not work on the plantations.   161 years ago doesn't sound that long. If I think about that grandparents parents had to be slaves. My grandfather if he was alive would've been above 110. He witnessed both wars as most our grandparents from my generation.   Has a lot changed since then? Slavery still exist in the world. We still have human trafficking. People have a better way of hiding this. Mostly because ofcourse it's illegal.  Do I believe the next generation will see a better change then my parents and now my generation are facing? I have no idea. Only God knows that. What I will have to say is we have a lot of opinions. We have a lot of critique as always and little realistic solutions. We

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