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Centipede | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers, Today is last blog day for a while. I'm going to be busy. And Lent is on it's way. This time I've already started with one important thing and that would be reading my bible. I started to just get in the rhythm again. But I want to read it as I was taught. This needs a little more precise time. I'm starting with new testament again.  Project updates So for those who follow my Instagram stories will see my busy days.  February started with potential of new client's and a hit in finances with printer not working. God took care off me. Yes I had to pay a lot for printing etc because it broke. But I was blessed to be able to fix the printing problem really quickly. And the trust in the Lord that whatever happened I would be okay.  Trust in Him  My trust in the Lord made me work harder without any fear of something going wrong. And knowing if I got another downfall I would be okay. God really took care off me. That I'm spiritually feeling really st...

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